Saturday, December 7, 2013

Children's Books that Teach Vocabulary

In two previous posts, Vocabulary to Teach High School Students and Vocabulary to Teach Kids I shared with you how to improve your child’s vocabulary whether he is in elementary, middle or high school. In this post we are going to talk about the books and worksheets.

For grades, K-2 it is important to focus word in the sight word list whether it is the dolch or the Fry sight word list. These list contain the words that are found in high frequency use the books this age group read and it will improve the quality or read fluency which means he is less likely to stumble over words while reading. To take a look at a partial list of the Fry sight word see post Vocabulary to Teach Kids.

I recommend the sight word reader series by Roxanne Lanczak because these books are specifically targeted to using sight words which makes it easier for us as parents not to play the guessing game on what books to use for sight words. Click here to see a list of sight word books. I also like the fact that the books are not too long and easy reads so that he, meaning your child, doesn’t get overwhelmed.

Generally speaking by the time he is in Grade 3-5, he is reading chapter books. It is crucial during this time that you pay close attention to his reading because the level of the books vary. For instance, the I Can Read series is good for this grade group, but their are 3 levels. Each has a varying degree of hardness. You will have to monitor it he is struggling to read the words by stubbling over too many words or that he goes through the book quickly which indicates the book is too easy. Either way you will have to adjust the reading  up a level if the book is too easy or down a level if the book is too hard.

In grades 6-12, he becomes so independent, but their is still a way to help them improve their vocabulary. This age group needs to learn greek and latin root words. As I explained in a previous, post because it improves his vocabulary and reading comprehension. The best way to teach greek and latin root words is through worksheets.

For example, let's look at the following words: recede, repel, reproach, recant or reduction.

go or move back or further away from a previous position
drive or force (an attack or attacker) back or away
the expression of disapproval or disappointment
say that one no longer holds an opinion or belief, esp. one considered heretical
the act of making something smaller in size, amount, number, etc.

When you look at the chart (see above), notice how each word’s definition has either again or back in the meaning? This proves the point that if the student knows greek or latin roots he will be able to figure out the meaning of words which are foreign or new to him. The words I used here for illustrative purposes are just the tip of the iceberg for the amount words that can be formed using the re- or red-.

In conclusion, vocabulary is important to understanding what is read and the speed.  Also, any child can benefit from an increase in vocabulary.

What do you think? Do you want to read more tips like this? Then, click here to subscribe to Working Mom Time Management Tips. If you like my tips, do the following:

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Children's Books that Teach Vocabulary

In two previous posts, Vocabulary to Teach High School Students and Vocabulary to Teach Kids I shared with you how to improve your child’s vocabulary whether he is in elementary, middle or high school. In this post we are going to talk about the books and worksheets.  For grades, K-2 it is important to focus word in the sight word list whether it is the dolch or the Fry sight word list. These list contain the words that are found in high frequency use the books this age group read and it will improve the quality or read fluency which means he is less likely to stumble over words while reading. To take a look at a partial list of the Fry sight word see post Vocabulary to Teach Kids. I recommend the sight word reader series by Roxanne Lanczak because these books are specifically targeted to using sight words which makes it easier for us as parents not to play the guessing game on what books to use for sight words. Click here to see a list of sight word books. I also like the fact that the books are not too long and easy reads so that he, meaning your child, doesn’t get overwhelmed.
Generally speaking by the time he is in Grade 3-5, he is reading chapter books. It is crucial during this time that you pay close attention to his reading because the level of the books vary. For instance, the I Can Read series is good for this grade group, but their are 3 levels. Each has a varying degree of hardness. You will have to monitor it he is struggling to read the words by stubbling over too many words or that he goes through the book quickly which indicates the book is too easy. Either way you will have to adjust the reading up a level if the book is too easy or down a level if the book is too hard.
In grades 6-12, he becomes so independent, but their is still a way to help them improve their vocabulary. This age group needs to learn greek and latin root words. As I explained in a previous, post because it improves his vocabulary and reading comprehension. The best way to teach greek and latin root words is through worksheets. In conclusion, vocabulary is important to understanding what is read and the speed.
What do you think? Do you want to read more tips like this? Then, click here to subscribe to Working Mom Time Management Tips If you like my tips, read one of my recommended self-help book for working moms which helps you get organized so that you can have more me-time and quality family time. Here are some time management advice for moms that might help you...

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Vocabulary to Teach High School Students

As our kids get older, we forget the importance vocabulary has on reading and comprehension.  It is important not to forget the vocabulary for high school students because vocabulary can be crucial to them understanding and thus doing well on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), any test and reading in general.  A good place to start is with greek and latin roots words.

Why study greek and latin roots?  It is important to study greek and latin roots because the english language is based almost entirely on greek and latin roots so when you know a root word you will be able to learn or understand new vocabulary words much easier such as the words your child might encounter while taking the SAT, reading or taking a test.

Since I am not studying for the SAT, I am going to give you a simplistic example of what I mean by you being able to learn or understand multiple words by studying root words using the root re- or red-.  It is the latin prefix which means back, again.  Once, your child knows this root and if he sees words beginning with re- or red- he will be able to understand its meaning. For example, let's look at the following words: recede, repel, reproach, recant or reduction.

go or move back or further away from a previous position
drive or force (an attack or attacker) back or away
the expression of disapproval or disappointment
say that one no longer holds an opinion or belief, esp. one considered heretical
the act of making something smaller in size, amount, number, etc.

When you look at the chart (see above), notice how each word’s definition has either again or back in the meaning? This proves the point that if the student knows greek or latin roots he will be able to figure out the meaning of words which are foreign or new to him. The words I used here for illustrative purposes are just the tip of the iceberg for the amount words that can be formed using the re- or red-.

Moreover, the context clues received from the words surrounding the root word will increase or improve the chances that he will understand or accurately interpret the meaning of the word accurately.

Finally, it is important not to forget to teach high school students vocabulary especially greek and latin roots so he can a better understanding of words even if they are unfamiliar.  I have used the book Red Hot Root Words Book 1: Mastering Vocabulary with Prefixes, Suffixes and Root Words to learn root words regardless of the grade level it is written for you still get the benefits of broading his vocabulary which is the point.

If you like my post, please subscribe to receive my post via email.  Also, please support me by buying the book from me.  Thank you.

List of Greek words with English derivatives
List of Greek and Latin roots in English

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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Is Eating Out Killing your Food Budget?

With gas and food prices rising to astronomical proportions, It is vital for survival to regularly review your budget to keep your expenses under control.

That being said I started thinking about how many times my family and me eat out.  We eat out about 2-3 times per week which is about $7 to $10 per meal per person bringing total to $21 or more.    Which is about $30 per meal and $90 per week.  This really adds up.

So based on this I decided to buy a cookbook with quick, easy and cheap meals.  This was very helpful because I was able to save more money and have delicious meals.

Click here to learn about quick and easy $10 meals

This is hard earned money which be used to buy groceries and make healthier eating choices.  Now, think about it are your eating out expenses as much as mine?  If the answer is yes, then you might want to make different decisions on how you spend your money.

What do you think? Do you want to read more tips like this? Then, click here to subscribe to Working Mom Time Management Tips If you like my tips, read one of my recommended self-help book for working moms which helps you get organized so that you can have more me-time and quality family time. Here are some time management advice for moms that might help you...

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Vocabulary to Teach Kids

Reading becomes increasingly important the older your child gets.  Therefore, if he is not reading on grade level you might want to start by improving his vocabulary.  How?  By making sure you teach your child the vocabulary which is recommended for their age.  For grades k-5 you want to stick with sight words and for grades 6-12 you will want to for on greek and latin root words.

What are sight words?  Sight words are words your child should recognize by sight.  It is important that your child learn sight words because it will increase their reading fluency as they get older and by the more words he knows.  What is reading fluency?  Fluency is the speed you child reads.  It will help them read faster without stumbling over words.

For grades 6-12, it is important to teach them greek and latin root words for two reasons.  One, the english language is completely derived from greek and latin roots so that when you study these roots it increases your vocabulary exponentially.  Two, when your child takes the SAT to attend college he will be prepared.

Improving your child's reading skills is important and possible as long as you focus on the vocabulary which is appropriate for his grade level.  It will also improve his reading fluency and comprehension.  Please check out the list and links below to get more information.

Here is a partial list of vocabulary word by grade level:

Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Reading is more than simply memorizing words, you must know the meaning of words and how to use them correctly in sentences.  Decoding and fluency will increase your child’s reading speed along with the reading grade level.


The Basic Spelling Vocabulary List
Why Vocabulary is Important to Reading?

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If you like my tips, read one of my recommended self-help book for working moms which helps you get organized so that you can have more me-time and quality family time.

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

How to Start a Summer Reading Program for your child

Generally, I can’t wait for summer because I get a break from homework and chaperoning my child from one activity to the next.  However, this summer after reading How to GetYour Child to be a Fanatic Reader as reported by, I am going to make sure I get my child to read 3 – 4 books over the summer.  I hope you are inspired to do the same with your child(ren).

Here’s how:

1.       Inform your child of the goal you are setting for them.
 This is a very important step.  You want to make sure your child is onboard with reading the books and accomplishing the goal even if you have to promise your child a treat or reduce his chores.  Otherwise, your child might rebel against reading.
      2.       Assess your child’s reading level.
    Just because your child is in a particular grade doesn’t mean he reads on that level.  He could read below grade-level, on grade-level or above grade-level.  By determining his reading level first, you make sure you child is not reading a book that is too hard for him because if the book is too hard your child will become frustrated and you don’t want that problem.

    To determine reading level, go to this link reading assignment test.
        3.      Help your child pick a book.
      Once you figure out your child’s reading level, help them pick out a book on their reading level.  By helping your child pick out a book instead of telling him the book you want him to read, you empower your child and make him feel as if he has a choice.  Click here to check out my summer reading list by grade.  
          4.       Schedule daily reading time. .
        So that you child has no excuse to read, let him know he must read at specific time daily.  This will help prepare his mind so that he knows what is expected of him and when.  No excuses!  Also, require he carry a book wherever he goes because you never know when he has downtime and can read a page or a paragraph.

        5.       Complete a writing assignment.
        You should consider reading the book too so that you can ask him intelligent questions about the book and make sure his answers are correct.  By questioning, him you improve his reading comprehension.    It is better to have your child complete in writing depending on their grade level.
        Reading is a great summer activity to improve reading comprehension, fluency and vocabulary which is important in school and life.

        What do you think? Do you want to read more tips like this? Then, click here to subscribe to Working Mom Time Management Tips If you like my tips, read my recommended self-help book for working moms which helps you get organized so that you can have more me-time and quality family time.
        Here are some time management advice for moms that might help you...

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        What do you do next? Click here to view the summer reading list by grade
        Click here to receive new articles from me in your inbox 
        Read more articles by me: 
        How to increase your child’s vocabulary exponentially
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        Alternatives to Ritalin for ADD/ ADHD

        Tuesday, February 8, 2011

        How to Wash Your Laundry in 4 Minutes

        Recently, when I found that I was so busy living life that my laundry hamper was about to explode, I began to panic. Wondering how am I going to get my laundry done while I work, pick my son up from school and cook dinner. Since I don’t have the luxury of having a washing machine and dryer at home, I remembered seeing a sign at the laundromat that I frequent stating the 4 minute wash.
        I decided to inquire about the 4 minute wash. What do I have to lose at worst it could be a crock or there really could be a way to get your clothes washed in 4 minutes, if only I would inquire about. So I did. Brace yourself, it is a wash and fold laundry service. The premise is that you drop off your unsorted, soiled laundry and assuming their is no line, you get your clothes weighed and a pick up slip in 4 minutes.

        Since this was my first time using the service, I had several questions. How much does it cost per pound? Will I be able to get my clothes the same-day? This is called same-day service. What kind of detergent do you use? Most wash and fold launderer don’t use regular laundry detergent, they use an industrial formula which removes stains and is non-hypoallergenic. Can you hang my jeans and shirts on hangers, then fold the rest. I figured if they hung up the things I usually hang anyway this will save me even more time because I would only have to put everything away when I got home without the inconvenience of washing the clothes.

                                                          Search google for a wash and fold service

        After my mind was put to ease that my clothes would be washed together and not mixed with some strangers, I decided to try the service because I had nothing to lose and everything to gain such as clean laundry .

        I am glad I tried the service. They told me I could pick up my clothes after 6pm so I arranged my schedule so that after dinner, I could pick my clothes up. After dinner, I went to pick up my clothes. I returned so quickly that my husband was surprised that I was back. I had my clean clothes in tow. The folded clothes were ready for the dresser and the clothes on the hanger were prepared for the closet. I was floored. It took me all of 15 minutes to put the clothes away.

        You should try using a wash and fold service especially one that offers pick up and delivery because they will pick up the clothes from your house and deliver them when clean.

        Do you like this tip? Do you want to read more tips like it? Then, click here to subscribe to Working Mom Time Management Tips If you like my tips, read my self-help book for working moms which helps you get organized so that you can have more me-time and quality family time.

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