Thursday, April 22, 2010

How to Unclog a Drain: Go Green

Did you know that there is a cheap green way to unclog a drain?  I find this hard to believe so I must share it with you.  Recently, I had a tough clog to unplug.  I was looking for a way to unclog it economically.  Liquid plumber is expensive and there is only on use for it.

After doing a search on how to unclog a drain,  I wacided to try a solution which suggests using baking soda and vinegar because it is cheap.  Also, baking soda and vinegar both have multiple uses.  I poured in one-half cup of baking soda followed by a cup of vinegar.  I worked like a charm.  Once, the vinegar was poured into the water  it started to foam and fizz.  Then the drain opened.

Here are some other uses for baking soda:
  • laundry detergent booster
  • natural whitener for teeth
  • deodorizer
  • oven cleaner (cuts grease without damaging the surface)

Baking soda is a miracle.  I now keep a large container of it under my sink at all times.  It cost me about $2 to unclog my drain.

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Do you like this tip? Do you want to read more tips like it? Then, click here to subscribe to Working Mom Time Management Tips. Also, if you like my tips, read my self-help book for working moms which helps you get organized so that you can have more me-time and quality family time.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Grocery Shopping List Made Easy

Do you forget to put important items on your grocery list? I do. It really makes me mad when I forget to certain items on my grocery list. To alieviate this problem, I put a sheet of paper on the refrigerator and as I run low or out of stuff, I write them on the grocery list.

I also let my family know to do to the same. This way if they use the last of something and I don't know about it, it is still on the list.

I order my groceries online. So before I order my groceries, I double check the refrigerator and cabinets to make sure I have everything.

Have you tried ordering your groceries online yet? I have and I like it. By ordering my groceries online, I don't overspend by buying impulsively (I only order what is on the list) and I don't have to wait in long lines.

So put a sheet of paper on the refrigerator so that you write your grocery list as you go and order you groceries online. Then, come back and let me know how this works for you.

Click to sign up for online grocery shopping.

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If you like my tips, read my self-help book for working moms which helps you get organized so that you can have more me-time and quality family time.

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Self-Help Books for Mothers

Grief & Loss: Top 10 Bestseller List

Coping with the loss of a loved one is difficult, especially when it is unexpected. In recent news, several celebrities kids have committed suicide. Normally, the parent dies before the child. Therefore, it becomes very heartbreaking and unimaginable for a parent to outlive their child. I can only imagine what the parents are going through.

The books I list here will help you cope with the grief of losing a loved on regardless of your relationship with them.
Here is a list of the top 10 grief and loss books:
  1. The Shack
  2. The Grieving Garden: Living with the Death of a Child
  3. Healing After Loss: Daily Meditations For Working Through Grief
  4. On Grief and Grieving: Finding the Meaning of Grief Through the Five Stages of Loss
  5. Getting to the Other Side of Grief: Overcoming the Loss of a Spouse
  6. When there Are No Words: Finding Your Way to Cope with Loss and Grief
  7. My Dog, Chloe: Grieving the Loss of a Man's Best Friend
  8. When there Are No Words: Finding Your Way to Cope with Loss and Grief
  9. Good Grief: Healing Through the Shadow of Loss
  10. Ambiguous Loss: Learning to Live with Unresolved Grief

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If you like my tips, read my self-help book for working moms which helps you get organized so that you can have more me-time and quality family time.

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