Sunday, January 17, 2010

Use Online Tutoring

Does homework time frustrate you sometimes? Do you find yourself wondering if you are explaining the homework where your child will understand? Do your dread homework time? Try online tutoring help. This is a great resource because the more comfortable our kids are with computers as learning tools and not just video games the better. Also, online learning provides and effective way for our kids to learn by providing one-on-one sessions.

How it works

Your child interacts one-on-one with a tutor online to get help on any K-12 subject including math, science, english and social studies. You log into the student center using your library card where you will see the various subject available for live homework help along with Proofpoint and SkillsCenter Resource Library. Proof point is a real-time writing center which allows you to interact with tutor real-time to collaborate on writing assignment so that they will develop research and grammar skills. The SkillsCenter Resource Library offers worksheets and videos on various subjects so that students can work independently including standardized test preparation. Click here to get prepare for homework help.

Before your session begins with the tutor, you are prompted to complete a survey to give the tutor preliminary information about your question. This is really helpful because it causes you to have to focus and organize your words to get to the point.

After your session, you will complete a survey to rate the quality of the service you receive and any other feedback.

I like online tutoring because it is a one-on-one service so it is like my child has his own teacher and it shows your child that computers can be used for educational and recreational purposes.

Check with your local library before paying for a tutoring service because some libraries offer the service for free. Even if you had to pay for online tutoring it is well worth it. Kids today are bringing home alot of homework so you must utilize your time wisely. Otherwise, you will stay up until midnight everynight trying complete homework.

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